Concentration Advisers

Your CA is your primary adviser and a valuable resource for you. 

The Government Department recruits and trains a group of highly knowledgeable concentration advisers (CAs). We assign a specific CA to each House; this person acts as the official academic adviser for all Government students who live there. Often the Government CA is also a resident tutor, but, if not, the CA will be a non-resident Tutor with access to the House.

Whenever you have a question about requirements, course selection, the direction of your program—whatever it might be—please contact your CA. In addition to lifting the hold on your registration each semester, your CA will serve as your primary resource in the Undergraduate Program. While anyone in the Undergraduate Program Office (the DUS, ADUSes, and Undergraduate Program Manager) is available to help you, we strongly encourage you to make an effort to meet with your official CA at least twice a semester. Each CA has an appointment calendar that you can use to set up meetings during the semester. 

The CAs for 2024-2025 are as follows:  

If your House is… Then your CA is… …and you can sign up to meet with them at the following link:
Adams Kiran MisraKiran Misra’s Appointment Calendar
Cabot David Sutton David Sutton’s Appointment Calendar
Currier Gabriel Katsh Gabriel Katsh’s Appointment Calendar
DudleyMax Kuhelj Bugaric Max Kuhelj Bugaric’s Appointment Calendar
Dunster Ahmet Akbiyik Ahmet Akbiyik’s Appointment Calendar
Eliot Last name A-J: Celia Eckert 

Last name K-Z: Daniel Lowery
Celia Ekert’s Appointment Calendar

Daniel Lowery’s Appointment Calendar
Kirkland Noah DasanaikeNoah Dasanaike’s Appointment Calendar
Leverett Juniors and Seniors: Brandon Martinez

Sophomores: Uma Ilavarasan
Brandon Martinez’s Appointment Calendar

Uma Ilavarasan’s Appointment Calendar
Lowell Priyanka SethyPriyanka Sethy’s Appointment Calendar
Mather Juniors and Seniors: Laura Royden

Sophomores: Max Kuhelj Bugaric
Laura Royden’s Appointment Calendar

Max Kuhelj Bugaric’s Appointment Calendar
Pforzheimer Julie Weaver Julie Weaver’s Appointment Calendar
Quincy Juniors and Seniors: Emma Ebowe 

Sophomores: Uma Ilavarasan
Emma Ebowe’s Appointment Calendar

Uma Ilavarasan’s Appointment Calendar
Winthrop Chinemelu OkaforChinemelu Okafor’s Appointment Calendar

First-year students interested in Government should contact the undergraduate office in CGIS Knfael to set up an advising meeting.  

Who Signs What? 

While your house’s CA is your primary adviser in the Government Department, there are some forms that can be signed only by the Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS). Please use the information below to determine whose signature you need for concentration forms: 

  • Removing the advising hold to register for classes: Go to your CA. 
  • Taking courses at the Kennedy School (or other Harvard schools): There is a list of pre-approved HKS courses that you may automatically use for Government elective credit.
  • Adding a course from another department to your concentration: There is a list of pre-approved courses cross-listed between the Government department and other departments, and you can enroll in any of those courses for Gov elective credit without prior approval. If you wish to make the case that certain college courses not on that list should count for Government concentration credit, you can submit a petition here.
  • Joint Concentrations: Joint concentrations require an application. Please contact ADUS Sergio Imparato with any questions.
  • Study Abroad: If you wish to study abroad and count courses taken there towards your Government concentration, you will need approval from DUS Nara Dillon or ADUS Gabriel Katsh. Please sign up for a meeting with Dr. Dillon here or with Dr. Katsh here.