Nathaniel Rakich, Class of 2010
I graduated from Harvard in 2010 with a degree in Government and a secondary field in the Classics. Early in my career, I bounced around between a variety of political jobs: communications director on a legislative campaign, associate at a Boston-based political consulting firm, political analyst at a major research shop in Washington, DC. Today, however, I am a political writer whose work has been published in The New Yorker, FiveThirtyEight, Roll Call, The New Republic, the Boston Globe, and The Atlantic. I also write about baseball for outlets such as FanGraphs, VICE Sports, and The Hardball Times.

Jieun Baek, Class of 2009
Jieun Baek worked at Google HQ upon graduation and then completed her MPP at HKS followed by a two-year research fellowship at the Belfer Center, where she wrote her book North Korea’s Hidden Revolution: How the Information Underground is Transforming a Closed Society. (Yale University Press, 2016). She is currently a doctoral student in public policy at Oxford University where she is studying first movers in dissent in authoritarian countries. She’s the founder and Executive Director of LUMEN, an NGO that works to bring foreign media into North Korea. You can follow her on Facebook, visit her at www.JieunBaek.com, or reach out to her — she’d love to hear from fellow Gov concentrators!

Nicholas Kristof, Class of 1981
After graduating from the Gov Department in 1981, I was in some danger of becoming a lawyer. Fortunately, studying law at Oxford persuaded me to pursue journalism instead, and I joined The New York Times in 1984. I spent much of my career as a foreign correspondent in Asia, along with stints covering politics and working as an editor, and finally emerged as an op-ed columnist. Now I’m paid to inflict my views on others, and to tilt at windmills.