Subfield Requirements

Exterior of Cgis Knafel Building

Meeting the Subfield Requirements

Every Government concentrator is required to take one course in each of the 4 subfields of political science (American politics, international relations, political theory, and comparative politics). The courses that count for each subfield can be found by searching specific keywords in the my.harvard course search bar:

To find the courses counting for……search in my.harvard using the following keyword:
Political theorytheory_subfield
Comparative politicscomparative_subfield
American politicsamerican_subfield
International relationsir_subfield

In addition, the following courses outside the Government Department offered in AY2024 may count for subfield credit because they are taught by Government Department faculty:

General Education 1032: What is a Republic?Daniel CarpenterAmerican politics
General Education 1092: American Society and Public PolicyTheda SkocpolAmerican politics
General Education 1200: JusticeMichael SandelPolitical Theory
Social Studies 98LR: Liberal Democracy and its Critics Daniel ZiblattComparative politics

No other courses can be counted for subfield credit. 

Please note the following: 

(1) The keyword searches above may bring up Gov 94 seminars that can be used for subfield requirements if concentrators are not already using them for the Gov 94 seminar requirement. Students wishing to use a Gov 94 for a subfield requirement should notify Karen Kaletka, the Manager of Undergraduate Studies, so it will be reflected on their official academic advising report. 

(2) Subfield courses must be taken for a letter grade. No courses taken P/F or Sat/Unsat can be counted for subfield credit.