Courses at the Harvard Kennedy School

Cherry Tree at Harvard

Courses at the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS)

All Government concentrators are allowed to meet up to 2 of their 3-4 elective requirements through courses at the Harvard Kennedy School, chosen from the list below. Please note that secondary-field requirements cannot be met through coursework at HKS. Enrollment in HKS courses is always at the discretion of the HKS professor; please refer to the HKS website for additional instructions.  

Concentrators do not need to request permission to count the courses below for concentration credit. Concentrators may petition to count other HKS courses for concentration credit by completing the following form:

Please note that as of July 2024, no classes taken through cross-registration are counted toward a student’s official undergraduate GPA (unless a student receives a failing grade). See the FAS Registrar’s webpage on cross-registration for more information.

**Registering for Spring 2025 HKS courses: Undergraduates should keep in mind that HKS follows a different calendar for course registration than does FAS. See the HKS Academic Calendar for more details. **

Harvard Kennedy School Courses Preapproved for Government Concentration Credit, 2024-25

Business and Government Policy 

BGP 100 The Business-Government Relationship in the United States Roger Porter Spring  
BGP 610 The Political Economy of Trade  Robert Lawrence Spring 
BGP 670 Financial Crises: Concepts and Evidence Carmen Reinhart Spring 

Democracy, Politics and Institutions 

DPI 120The U.S. Congress and Law Making David King Spring 
DPI 207 Philosophy of Technology: From Marx and Heidegger to AI, Genome Editing, and Geoengineering Mathias Risse Spring 
DPI 342 Religion, Politics and Policy in America Carleigh Beriont Fall 
DPI 413Democratic BackslidingPippa NorrisFall
DPI 415 Comparative PoliticsPippa Norris Fall 
DPI 450The Political Economy of Transition in ChinaAnthony SaichFall
DPI 543 Corruption: Finding It and Fixing It Jeeyang Rhee Baum Fall 
DPI 600 The Politics of the Press Nancy Gibbs Fall 
DPI 703 Democracy: The Long View and the Bumpy History Alex Keyssar Fall 

Development and Economic Growth

DEV 130 Why Are So Many Countries Poor, Volatile, and Unequal? Ricardo Hausmann Fall 
DEV 308 Social Institutions and Economic Development Michael Woodcock Spring 

International and Global Affairs 

IGA 103 Global Governance Lotem Bassan-NygateFall 
IGA 105 International Law and Global Justice Kathryn Sikkink Fall 
IGA 229Gender, Sex, and Violence in Global PoliticsDara Cohen Spring 
IGA 236 Cybersecurity: Technology, Policy, and Law Bruce Schneier Spring 
IGA 513 Science, Power, and Politics Sheila Jasanoff Fall 
IGA 538 Technology, Privacy, and the Trans-National Nature of the Internet James Waldo Fall 
IGA 655  Middle Eastern Politics and Policy Tarek Masoud Spring 
IGA 662The Future of the European Union: Europe in the WorldSenem Aydin DuzgitFall

HKS Courses Cross-Listed or Jointly Offered with the Government Department

The following HKS courses are cross-listed or jointly offered with the Government Department and will show up in my.harvard with separate HKS and Government course numbers. College students should sign up for these courses under their Government course numbers, not the HKS ones. When taken under the Government course numbers, these courses are treated the same as any other Government Department courses for the purpose of concentration policies:

DPI 115 / Gov 1540
The American Presidency 
Roger Porter 
DPI 348 / Gov 1092Progressive Alternatives: Institutional Reconstruction TodayRoberto UngerSpring
DPI 505 / Gov 1535The Supreme Court, Law, and Public PolicyMaya SenFall
DPI 608 / Gov 1719Political Communication Breakdown: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions Matthew BaumSpring
DPI 610 / Gov 1003Data Science for PoliticsBenjamin SchneerSpring
DPI 640 / Gov 1433Technology and the Public Interest: From Democracy to Technocracy and BackLatanya SweeneyFall
DPI 642 / Gov 1430Grand Challenges in Technology-Society ClashesLatanya Sweeney & Leonie BeyrleSpring
DEV 233 / Gov 1025Political Economy and its FutureRoberto Unger & Dani RodrikSpring
IGA 211 / Gov 1796Central Challenges of American National Security, Strategy, and the PressGraham Allison, David Sanger, & Derek ReveronFall
IGA 232 / Gov 1735Controlling the World’s Most Dangerous WeaponsMatthew BunnFall

(Last updated 10/21/2024)