Comparative Politics

The field of Comparative Politics at Harvard is the study of cross- and sub-national differences in these areas:

  • Development
  • Inequality
  • The state
  • Political institutions
  • Ethnic-religious politics.

Our diverse faculty has expertise in Africa, Eastern and Western Europe, East and South Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. In short, it represents all major theoretical and methodological approaches in the field. Harvard’s well-endowed international and regional centers also offer extensive institutional ties to research communities across the globe as well.

Department Faculty

21 results found.

Alisha C. Holland

Gates Professor of Developing Societies
Alisha C. Holland Headshot

Chase H. Harrison

Senior Preceptor
Chase H. Harrison Headshot

Daniel Ziblatt

Eaton Professor of the Science of Government
Daniel Ziblatt headshot

Dustin Tingley

Thomas D. Cabot Professor of Public Policy

Elizabeth J. Perry

Henry Rosovsky Professor of Government
Elizabeth J. Perry Headshot

Feyaad Allie

Assistant Professor of Government
Feyaad Allie headshot

Frances Hagopian

Jorge Paulo Lemann Senior Lecturer on Government
Frances Hagopian Headshot

Grzegorz Ekiert

Laurence A. Tisch Professor of Government

Hojung Joo

Post-Doctoral Fellow in Government
Hojung Joo headshot

Mashail Malik

Assistant Professor of Government
Mashail Malik Headshot

Melani Cammett

Clarence Dillon Professor of International Affairs

Nara Dillon

Director of Undergraduate StudiesSenior Lecturer on Government

Peter A. Hall

Krupp Foundation Professor of European Studies
Peter A. Hall Headshot

Peter Buisseret

Assistant Professor of Government
Peter Buisseret Headshot

Pia Raffler

Assistant Professor of Government
Pia Raffler Headshot

Stephen Peter Rosen

Beton Michael Kaneb Professor of National Security and Military Affairs
Stephen Peter Rosen Headshot

Steven Levitsky

David Rockefeller Professor of Latin American Studies

Theda Skocpol

Victor S. Thomas Professor of Government and Sociology
Theda Skocpol Headshot

Timothy Colton

Morris and Anna Feldberg Professor of Government and Russian Studies
Timothy Colton Headshot

Torben Iversen

Harold Hitchings Burbank Professor of Political Economy

Yuhua Wang

Ford Foundation Professor of Modern China Studies
Yuhua Wang Headshot