Skocpol studies the roots and results of sociopolitical transformations. Earlier in her career she did cross-national studies of revolutions and the development of the modern welfare state. Later she documented and explained the development of U.S. voluntary associations from 1790 to 2000, and analyzed healthcare policymaking under presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Her most recent work probes the organizational bases of popular and elite politics on the right and left of U.S. politics from the Tea Party and anti-Trump resistance to the current party polarization and GOP radicalization.
My Website
1737 Cambridge Street
CGIS Knafel Building, Room 416
American Politics | Comparative Politics
Academic Interests
Civil Society and Social Movements | Democracy | Gender | Health Policy and Bioethics | Institutions | Non-Governmental Organizations | Parties, Campaigns & Elections | Political Economy & Development | Public Policy | Race & Ethnicity | Religion in Politics | Social Policy & the Welfare State | State-Society Relations | State & Local Politics
Research Methods
Historical Methods | Qualitative Methods | Quantitative Methods
Geographic Regions of Study
United States