Pia Raffler’s work lies at the intersection of comparative politics and political economy. She studies accountability and representation, bureaucracy, and voter behavior in Sub-Saharan Africa and Germany. She works closely with government agencies, civil society organizations, and political parties to design and test reforms aimed at increasing accountability, often through large-scale field experiments in combination with qualitative data collection. Her work has won the Best Fieldwork Award, Best Dissertation Award in Experimental Research, and Best Experimental Paper Award from the American Political Science Association and has been published or is forthcoming in the American Political Science Review, the American Journal of Political Science, the Journal of Politics, Science Advances, and the Journal of Development Economics. Prior to joining Harvard, she spent a year at the Niehaus Center and the Center for Study of Democratic Politics at Princeton University and has lived in Ghana and Uganda. Pia holds a Ph.D. from Yale University. She is an affiliate of EPoD, IQSS, the Harvard Weatherhead Center, the Center for African Studies, and the Center for International Development and a member of EGAP and of the editorial board of the British Journal of Political Science.
My Website
1737 Cambridge Street
CGIS Knafel Building, Room 209
Comparative Politics
Academic Interests
Bureaucracy | Democracy | Gender | Parties, Campaigns & Elections | Political Economy & Development | Public Policy | State & Local Politics | Voter Behavior
Research Methods
Experiments | Qualitative Methods | Quantitative Methods | Surveys
Geographic Regions of Study
Africa | Europe