Nara Dillon teaches Chinese politics and comparative courses on urbanization, globalization, and poverty alleviation. Her research focuses on the politics of welfare and charity in China and other developing countries. Her publications include At the Crossroads of Empires: Middlemen, Social Networks, and Statebuilding in Republican Shanghai (Stanford, 2008) and Radical Inequalities: China’s Revolutionary Welfare State in Comparative Perspective (Harvard, 2015). She has also written articles on civil society, refugee relief, and contemporary welfare reform in China and India.
Office hours/appointments: Please sign up to meet with Dr. Dillon on her appointment calendar.
1737 Cambridge Street
CGIS Knafel Building, Room 436
Comparative Politics
Academic Interests
Civil Society and Social Movements | Institutions | Non-Governmental Organizations | Political Economy & Development | Public Policy | Social Policy & the Welfare State | State-Society Relations
Research Methods
Historical Methods | Qualitative Methods
Geographic Regions of Study
China | Asia