Gary King is the Albert J. Weatherhead III University Professor and Director of the Institute for Quantitative Social Science. King and his research group develop and apply empirical methods in many areas of social science, focusing on innovations that span the range from statistical theory to practical application. See GaryKing.org/biocv for a full bio.
My Website
1737 Cambridge Street
CGIS Knafel Building, Room 313
American Politics | Comparative Politics | International Relations | Methods and Formal Theory
Academic Interests
Ancient and Medieval Political Thought | Bureaucracy | Civil Society and Social Movements | Climate Change | Data Science and Political Methodology | Democracy | Education Policy | Health Policy and Bioethics | Institutions | Legislatures | Parties, Campaigns & Elections | Political Geography | Political Psychology | Public Opinion | Public Policy | Race & Ethnicity | State & Local Politics | Voter Behavior
Research Methods
Experiments | Historical Methods | Qualitative Methods | Quantitative Methods | Surveys
Geographic Regions of Study
Africa | China | Japan | Asia | Europe | Latin America | Middle East and North Africa | Russia and the Former Soviet Union | United States