Bruno Jäntti

Bruno Jäntti headshot
Bruno Jäntti
Fulbright Fellow

Bruno Jäntti is a Fulbright Fellow in Government. Jäntti’s research focuses on EU foreign policy toward the Middle East, specifically examining the extent to which the EU has leveraged its influence to advance democracy, human rights, and the rule of law in its bilateral relations with the State of Israel and the Palestinian Authority. He also explores the philosophical and legal evolution of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law and their role in post-WWII European integration.


1737 Cambridge Street

Comparative Politics | International Relations | Methods and Formal Theory | Political Thought and Its History

Academic Interests
Data Science and Political Methodology | Democracy | Foreign Policy | Human Rights | International Organizations | Modern and Contemporary Political Thought | Public Opinion

Research Methods
Formal Theory | Historical Methods | Qualitative Methods | Quantitative Methods

Geographic Regions of Study
Europe | Middle East and North Africa