I am a PhD student in the Department of Government. My research interests lie at the intersection of American politics, political methodology, and political economy. I am primarily interested in how technological change and innovation impact information environments, political outcomes, and public policy. I am particularly interested in the study of mass media, social media, and artificial intelligence as political institutions, namely, in how those technologies shape political information production, provision, and consumption, and in turn, how that information affects representation, accountability, participation, and public policy in the United States. I am also interested in using and creating natural language processing, machine learning, and formal theoretic models in service of answering research questions in this area. Before coming to Harvard, I earned a BS in Computer Science with a minor in Political Science at Columbia University.
My Website
1737 Cambridge Street
American Politics | Methods and Formal Theory
Academic Interests
Data Science and Political Methodology | Democracy | Institutions | Legislatures | Parties, Campaigns, & Elections | Political Economy & Development | Public Opinion | Public Policy | State & Local Politics | Technology & Governance | Voter Behavior
Research Methods
Experiments | Formal Theory | Quantitative Methods | Surveys