Aleksandra Conevska

Aleksandra Conevska headshot
Aleksandra Conevska
Ph.D. Student in Government

Aleksandra’s research focuses on electoral systems and parties, with a particular focus on climate change. She is interested in the way electoral rules shape how political parties and interests can respond to, and incorporate, decisive political issues, such as climate change, into government agendas. She examines party dynamics and climate outcomes in both the European and US context. She also uses experimental methods to understand pro-climate political engagement amongst youth, with a focus on social norms and defiance sentiments. Her research has been published in International Studies QuarterlyClimate PolicyClimate and Development and Energy Research & Social Science, and Nature Scientific Data.


1737 Cambridge Street

My Website

American Politics | Comparative Politics | Methods and Formal Theory

Academic Interests
Climate Change | Elections | Institutions | Political Economy & Development

Research Methods
Experiments | Formal Theory | Quantitative Methods