Category: Faculty Profile

Exterior of Cgis Knafel Building

Shterna Friedman awarded international theory prize

The International Conference for the Study of Political Thought (CSPT) has awarded Shterna Friedman the 2024 Melvin Richter Prize for her doctoral dissertation: Kant, Hegel, and the Rise of Systemic Social Theory. The Richter family established the Melvin Richter Prize as a tribute to Mel Richter, one of the founders of CSPT and a generous…

The Hill op-ed from Professor Paul Peterson

Paul E. Peterson, the Henry Lee Shattuck Professor of Government, Director of the Program on Education Policy and Governance, and Senior Editor of Education Next: A Journal of Opinion and Research at Harvard University, has published an open letter to President Biden in The Hill. In the op-ed, titled ‘Mr. President, please pardon Trump for the country’s—and your…

Double win at APSA Awards

Professor of Government Dustin Tingley and PhD alumni Harry Oppenheimer have both been named American Political Science Association (APSA) award winners for their fantastic respective work. Dustin Tingley and his co-author Alexander F. Gazmararian – a doctoral candidate in the Department of Politics at Princeton University – have been awarded the APSA STEP Section Don…

Celebrating Richard Tuck

Many faculty, former students, and friends came together over the weekend of April 13-14 for a conference in honor of our distinguished colleague Richard Tuck. Held at Princeton University, the event celebrated not only Richard’s retirement but more than four decades of teaching, writing, and intellectual camaraderie. Political theorist and historian of political thought, Richard…

Daniel Carpenter curates historic petitions for All the Voices in the House event

A dynamic group of spoken word artists will read and reinterpret powerful petitions from disenfranchised individuals seeking their rights in the 17th and 18th centuries at All the Voices in the House, a groundbreaking event created by Revolutionary Spaces. The petitions were curated by Daniel Carpenter, the Allie S. Freed Professor of Government and Chair…

Kosuke Imai has been awarded the 2024 Guggenheim Fellowship

Kosuke Imai, Professor of Government and Statistics, has been awarded the prestigious Guggenheim Fellowship for research, joining the ranks of more than 19,000 Fellows honored since 1925. The John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, now in its 99th year, has recognized and awarded monetary prizes to the 2024 class of trail-blazing fellows, all of whom were…

Professor Steve Levitsky Featured on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart

Steve Levitsky, David Rockefeller Professor of Latin American Studies and Professor of Government, was recently on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart to discuss his book, “Tyranny of the Minority,” co-authored with Daniel Ziblatt, Eaton Professor of the Science of Government….

Professor Jeff Frieden Featured on EconoFact Podcast

Jeff Frieden, Stanfield Professor of International Peace, was featured on the EconoFact Podcast on March 17th, titled People, Communities and Economic Changes. You can read more and listen to the podcast here:…

Stephanie Ternullo

Assistant Professor of Government My research focuses on the relationship between place, politics, and political identity. Before coming to the Government Department, I developed my first book project on this topic as a PhD student in a Sociology Department – during the 2020 presidential election, I conducted a qualitative, comparative study of three White, postindustrial…