Category: News

Student writing in Notebook

FAS Awards honor faculty achievements

Each year, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) recognizes outstanding faculty members through a series of annual awards, which honor excellence in teaching, advising, scholarship, and other contributions that further the academic mission of FAS. At the faculty meeting on May 7, FAS Edgerley Dean Hopi Hoekstra presented several awards to 40 faculty members…

Shterna Friedman awarded international theory prize

The International Conference for the Study of Political Thought (CSPT) has awarded Shterna Friedman the 2024 Melvin Richter Prize for her doctoral dissertation: Kant, Hegel, and the Rise of Systemic Social Theory. The Richter family established the Melvin Richter Prize as a tribute to Mel Richter, one of the founders of CSPT and a generous…

The Hill op-ed from Professor Paul Peterson

Paul E. Peterson, the Henry Lee Shattuck Professor of Government, Director of the Program on Education Policy and Governance, and Senior Editor of Education Next: A Journal of Opinion and Research at Harvard University, has published an open letter to President Biden in The Hill. In the op-ed, titled ‘Mr. President, please pardon Trump for the country’s—and your…

Study published during Harvard Climate Action Week

A new study – led by Stephen Ansolabehere, the Frank G. Thomson Professor of Government – has launched as part of Harvard Climate Action Week (June 10-14), hosted by the Salata Institute for Climate and Sustainability. The conference invites climate experts, leaders, and stakeholders to come together and explore solutions to the climate crisis’s most…

Double win at APSA Awards

Professor of Government Dustin Tingley and PhD alumni Harry Oppenheimer have both been named American Political Science Association (APSA) award winners for their fantastic respective work. Dustin Tingley and his co-author Alexander F. Gazmararian – a doctoral candidate in the Department of Politics at Princeton University – have been awarded the APSA STEP Section Don…

Five graduate students awarded for outstanding dissertations

We are delighted to announce that five of our graduate students were awarded dissertation prizes at our commencement celebration on May 22. The Department of Government prize for the best dissertation on a topic of race, ethnicity/or migration and politics was awarded to Olivia Woldemikael for her dissertation, “The Local Consequences of Migration Policies in…

Celebrating Richard Tuck

Many faculty, former students, and friends came together over the weekend of April 13-14 for a conference in honor of our distinguished colleague Richard Tuck. Held at Princeton University, the event celebrated not only Richard’s retirement but more than four decades of teaching, writing, and intellectual camaraderie. Political theorist and historian of political thought, Richard…

Raft of senior concentrators awarded prestigious thesis prizes

We are very proud to announce that eight thesis prizes have been awarded to our senior concentrators for their outstanding scholarly research. The Hoopes Prize – funded by the estate of Thomas T. Hoopes, class of 1919, and overseen by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) – was awarded to Amen Gashaw, Fred Larsen,…

Senior concentrator Jorge Ruiz awarded DRCLAS thesis prize

The David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies (DRCLAS) has awarded senior concentrator Jorge Ruiz the James R. and Isabel D. Hammond Thesis Prize on Spanish-speaking Latin American Studies for his thesis, Old Parties and New Cleavages: Puerto Rico’s Emerging Multi-Party System. His thesis centered on the 2020 election, which saw five parties gain legislative representation – a…