Category: News

Dept of Government at Harvard Office

Government Hoopes Prize Winners 2018

May 3, 2018 Marie Becker ’18, Sally Marsh ’18, Yousra Neberai ’18, and Caroline Tervo ’18 have won the Hoopes Thesis Prize. Congratulations! Marie Becker, “The United Space: Transnational Expert Networks and Cooperation in Space between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. during the Cold War”  Sally Marsh, “How Manistee Flipped: Understanding the 2016 Trump and Clinton Campaigns…

11 faculty elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences ‘The Harvard Gazette’ article

Harvard’s inductees to the class of 2018 are Cynthia M. Friend, Theodore William Richards Professor of Chemistry and Professor of Materials Science at the John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences; Susan M. Dymecki, professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School (HMS); Naomi E. Pierce, Sidney A. and John H. Hessel Professor of Biology, curator of…

Statement of Principles, and Moving Forward

Harvard  University Department of Government Jennifer Hochschild, Chair Statement of Principles, and Moving Forward Recent articles in The Chronicle of Higher Education have reported allegations of sexual harassment and misconduct by Professor Jorge Dominguez, a faculty member in our department. We in the Department of Government were appalled to hear of these concerns and to…