Sonya G. Jacobs, Government Andrew F. Miner, Government Romana Pilepich, Government Elena D. Sokoloski, Government…
One election winner: the pollsters / The Harvard Gazette
Harvard’s Political Analytics Conference last week included “Measuring & Mapping the Midterms,” a panel featuring Nate Cohn and Amanda Cox of The New York Times’ column The Upshot and moderated by Kirk Goldsberry of ESPN (far left).…
King of Spain confers Spain’s highest prize on Michael Sandel…
Ana Catalano Weeks — 2018 Franklin L. Burdette/Pi Sigma Alpha Award Recipient
The American Political Science Association (APSA) will present the Franklin L. Burdette/Pi Sigma Alpha Award to Dr. Ana Catalano Weeks at the 2018 APSA Annual Meeting & Exhibition. Ana Catalano Weeks is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Comparative Politics in the Department of Politics, Languages, & International Studies at the University of Bath. Before joining Bath, she was a College…
Professor Dustin Tingley, together with the former graduate students Molly Roberts and Brandon Stewart, was announced as the winner of the 2018 Society for Political Methodology Statistical Software Award
Professor Dustin Tingley, together with the former graduate students Molly Roberts and Brandon Stewart, was announced as the winner of the 2018 Society for Political Methodology Statistical Software Award for stm: An R package for Structural Topic Models. Structural topic models have enhanced and advanced the use of topic modeling for diverse text corpora by encompassing metadata…
Christoph Mikulaschek is the recipient of this year’s APSA Merze Tate Award for the best dissertation successfully defended during the previous two years in the field of international relations, law, and politics
Christoph Mikulaschek is the recipient of this year’s APSA Merze Tate Award for the best dissertation successfully defended during the previous two years in the field of international relations, law, and politics. It is entitled, “The Power of the Weak: How Informal Power-Sharing Shapes the Work of the United Nations Security Council.”…
Volha Charnysh PhD graduate won the Best Dissertation award from the APSA Migration & Citizenship Section, for “Migration, Diversity, and Economic Development: Post-WWII Displacement in Poland”
Volha Charnysh PhD graduate won the Best Dissertation award from the APSA Migration & Citizenship Section, for “Migration, Diversity, and Economic Development: Post-WWII Displacement in Poland”…
Professor Matthew Blackwell, together with Avidit Acharya and Maya Sen, recently published Deep Roots
Professor Matthew Blackwell, together with Avidit Acharya and Maya Sen, recently published Deep Roots. How Slavery Still Shapes Southern Politics (Princeton, 2018). The book explores the lasting effects of slavery on contemporary political attitudes in the American South….
Professor Kenneth Shepsle has been named one of the Walter Channing Cabot Fellows for 2018
Professor Kenneth Shepslehas been named one of the Walter Channing Cabot Fellows for 2018. Walter Channing Cabot Fellow fellowships are given annually to few faculty in recognition of their achievements and scholarly eminence in the fields of literature, history or art. The award reflects Professor Shepsle’s outstanding contributions to his field, including the publication of hisrecent…
Professor Jon Rogowski’s and Aaron Kaufman’s 2017 APSA conference paper “Interbranch Conflict, Unilateral Action, and the Presidency” is the recipient of APSA Section Presidential and Executive Politics’ 2018 Founders Best Paper Award
Professor Jon Rogowski’s and Aaron Kaufman’s 2017 APSA conference paper “Interbranch Conflict, Unilateral Action, and the Presidency” is the recipient of APSA Section Presidential and Executive Politics’ 2018 Founders Best Paper Award Honoring Dom Bonafede….