Daniel Ziblatt, co-author of “How Democracies Die,” discusses the current state of U.S. politics. https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2019/03/harvard-author-a-dangerous-moment-in-our-countrys-history/?utm_medium=Feed&utm_source=Syndication…
‘Looking to China for lessons on helping the poor’ The Harvard Gazette article
Nara Dillon’s work in China seeks lessons from the country’s successful battle against poverty that might be applied elsewhere. https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2019/03/harvard-china-connection-highlighted-by-president-bacow-visit/?utm_source=SilverpopMailing&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Daily%20Gazette%203-18-19%20(1)…
The War on Poverty Remains a Stalemate Education gaps between socioeconomic classes haven’t narrowed in the past half-century. By Eric A. Hanushek and Paul E. Peterson
The War on Poverty Remains a Stalemate – The Wall Street Journal articleEducation gaps between socioeconomic classes haven’t narrowed in the past half-century.By Eric A. Hanushek and Paul E. PetersonMarch 17, 2019 https://gov.harvard.edu/sites/hwpi.harvard.edu/files/gov/files/wsj_war_on_poverty_hanushek_peterson_03.18.19.pdf?m=1552933907…
Professor Sidney Verba The Carl H. Pforzheimer University Professor Emeritus and Research Professor of Government at Harvard University passed away on Monday, March 4th 2019
Professor Sidney Verba The Carl H. Pforzheimer University Professor Emeritus and Research Professor of Government at Harvard University passed away on Monday, March 4th 2019. He served as Director of the Harvard University Library for twenty-four years. At Harvard, he had also been chair of the Department of Government, Associate Dean of the Faculty for Undergraduate…
Soichiro Yamauchi, PhD Candidate is co-winner for Best Poster Award at the joint conference of the 6th Asian Political Methodology Meeting and the second annual meeting of the Japanese Society for Quantitative Political Science
We are pleased to announce two co-recipients of the Best Poster Award atthe joint conference of the 6th Asian Political Methodology Meeting and thesecond annual meeting of the Japanese Society for Quantitative PoliticalScience, which was held at Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan, on January5 and 6, 2019. (The award is sponsored by the Japanese Journal…
Former Chair of the Department from 1998 – 2004 Roderick MacFarquhar passed away on Sunday February 10, 2019
He was Leroy B. Williams Professor Emeritus of History and Political Science at Harvard University. Professor MacFarquhar came to Harvard to pursue a master’s degree in East Asian Studies, graduating in 1955. He received his PhD from the London School of Economics in 1981. He was appointed the Leroy B. Williams Professor of History and…
Government Department Climate Survey Report
The Inclusive Climate Subcommittee of the Climate Change Committee released the findings of the Government Department Climate Survey fielded in October 2018. Read more: https://gov.harvard.edu/government-department-climate-survey…
AJPS Best Paper Award 2018 co-winner “Paths of Recruitment: Rational Social Prospecting in Petition Canvassing” by Prof. Daniel Carpenter, Prof. Clayton Nall (Stanford), Prof. Benjamin Schneer (HKS)
AJPS Best Paper Award 2018 co-winner “Paths of Recruitment: Rational Social Prospecting in Petition Canvassing” by Prof. Daniel Carpenter, Prof. Clayton Nall (Stanford), Prof. Benjamin Schneer (HKS) best article appearing AJPS Volume 62, Issue 1 (January 2018)….
“Primary Elections and Candidate-Centered Campaigns” has been named the Pi Sigma Alpha Best Paper Award winner from the 2018 conference.
“Primary Elections and Candidate-Centered Campaigns” has been named the Pi Sigma Alpha Best Paper Award winner from the 2018 conference. The SPSA presents this award annually to the best paper presented at the previous year’s meeting. The paper is by Professor James Snyder, Jaclyn Kaslovsky (PhD Candidate), Michael Olson (PhD Candidate), and Professor Shigeo Hirano (Columbia)….