Category: Department News

Dept of Government at Harvard Office

Professor Stephen Ansolabehere’s Co-Authored Paper on Franchise Expansion Awarded 2023 Kenneth A. Shepsle Prize by JPIPE

Stephen Ansolabehere, Frank G. Thompson Professor of Government, with co-authors Jaclyn Kaslovsky and Michael Olson were awarded the 2023 Kenneth A. Shepsle Prize for best article in Volume 3 (2022) of the Journal of Political Institutions and Political Economy (JPIPE) for their paper “Franchise Expansion and Legislative Representation in the Early United States.” Congratulations!…

Professor Daniel Ziblatt Awarded MPSA’s AJPS Best Article Award

Daniel Ziblatt, Eaton Professor of the Science of Government, has been awarded the Midwest Political Science Association’s American Journal of Political Science BestArticle Honorable Mention Award for his paper “Capital Meets Democracy: The Impact of Franchise Extension on Sovereign Bond Markets” (AJPS Volume 66, Issue 3, Page 630)….

Gov Department’s Claudine Gay elected the 30th President of Harvard University

Harvard names Claudine Gay 30th president. Social scientist and dean of largest faculty will lead University starting July 1. Claudine Gay, a widely admired higher education leader and distinguished scholar of democracy and political participation, will become the 30th president of Harvard University on July 1, 2023. Stephanie Mitchell/Harvard Staff Photographer…