Tyler Simko, Government Department graduate student and Ph.D candidate, won the 2023 Derek C Bok Award for Excellence in Graduate Student Teaching of Undergraduates. This award is given to graduate students who go above and beyond as teachers to undergraduate students, a role that is key to the undergraduate experience at Harvard. Congratulations!…
Professor Stephen Ansolabehere’s Co-Authored Paper on Franchise Expansion Awarded 2023 Kenneth A. Shepsle Prize by JPIPE
Stephen Ansolabehere, Frank G. Thompson Professor of Government, with co-authors Jaclyn Kaslovsky and Michael Olson were awarded the 2023 Kenneth A. Shepsle Prize for best article in Volume 3 (2022) of the Journal of Political Institutions and Political Economy (JPIPE) for their paper “Franchise Expansion and Legislative Representation in the Early United States.” Congratulations!…
Professor Alisha Holland Awarded the Everett Mendelsohn Excellence in Mentoring Award by GSAS
Alisha Holland, an Associate Professor of Government, was among the 2022-23 faculty winners of the Everett Mendelsohn Excellence in Mentoring Award. This award is presented by the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences annually based on nominations by GSAS students. Faculty awarded provide exemplary mentorship to graduate students. Congratulations Alisha!…
Professor Daniel Ziblatt Awarded MPSA’s AJPS Best Article Award
Daniel Ziblatt, Eaton Professor of the Science of Government, has been awarded the Midwest Political Science Association’s American Journal of Political Science BestArticle Honorable Mention Award for his paper “Capital Meets Democracy: The Impact of Franchise Extension on Sovereign Bond Markets” (AJPS Volume 66, Issue 3, Page 630)….
Professors Tingley and Ansolabehere’s Climate Policy Class Highlighted in Harvard Gazette
The Harvard Gazette highlighted “Politics of the Environment and Climate Change,” taught by Professor Dustin Tingley and Professor Stephen Ansolabehere. See the featured article for more details….
Professors Dustin Tingley and Stephen Ansolabehere Receive Salata Grants for Climate Research
Professors Dustin Tingley and Stephen Ansolabere have received a grant from the Salata Institute for Climate and Sustainability to establish a research cluster. This new climate policy research cluster will cover a wide range of efforts on the politics of climate transitions. We look forward to all the new projects and opportunities to come. More…
Gov Department’s Claudine Gay elected the 30th President of Harvard University
Harvard names Claudine Gay 30th president. Social scientist and dean of largest faculty will lead University starting July 1. Claudine Gay, a widely admired higher education leader and distinguished scholar of democracy and political participation, will become the 30th president of Harvard University on July 1, 2023. Stephanie Mitchell/Harvard Staff Photographer…
Professor Katrina Forrester’s book awarded 2021 Spitz Prize
Professor Katrina Forrester’s book, In the Shadow of Justice, was awarded the 2021 Spitz Prize. This is a fantastic accomplishment, following her previous prize, the Merle Curti Award for Best Book back in 2020. …
Professor Alisha Holland publishes Washington Post article about recent research
Professor Alisha Holland publishes Washington Post article about recent research Her research publication can be found at: Roadblocks: How Property Rights Undermine Development in Colombia …
Democracy by Petition awarded the 2022 J. David Greenstone Prize and the Seymour Martin Lipset Prize
Professor Daniel Carpenter’s book, Democracy by Petition: Popular Politics in Transformation 1790-1870, has been voted the winner of the 2022 J. David Greenstone Prize and the Seymour Martin Lipset Prize. He will also be receiving the Herbert Kaufman for Best Paper in Public Administration at this year’s APSA event….