Category: Department News

Cherry Tree at Harvard

Professor Eric Beerbohm Named a Senior Adviser for Civil Discourse

Eric Beerbohm, Professor of Government and Director of the Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Ethics, has been named a senior adviser for civil discourse. You can read more about it here:…

The Government Department congratulates its six concentrators who were recently named to Phi Beta Kappa  in its “Senior 48”

Congratulations to: Becca Buehler Zoree Jones Zachary Lech Shreya Nair Jaya Nayar Nic G. Pantelick PBK election “signifies that an undergraduate’s course of study is distinguished by excellence, reach, originality, and rigor. Membership in PBK is an honor bestowed on those whose coursework demonstrates not only high achievement, but also breadth of interest, depth of…

Graduate Students’ Seminar Paper Published in Security Studies Journal

Recently graduated Ph. D. students, Naima Green-Riley and Andrew Leber, recently published Whose War is it Anyway? Explaining the Black-White Gap in Support for the Use of Force Abroad in the Security Studies Journal. This article started as a final paper for Professor Ansolabehere’s Public Opinion class and has culminated as a fresh take on…