Category: Department News

Student writing in Notebook

Daniel Carpenter curates historic petitions for All the Voices in the House event

A dynamic group of spoken word artists will read and reinterpret powerful petitions from disenfranchised individuals seeking their rights in the 17th and 18th centuries at All the Voices in the House, a groundbreaking event created by Revolutionary Spaces. The petitions were curated by Daniel Carpenter, the Allie S. Freed Professor of Government and Chair…

Kosuke Imai has been awarded the 2024 Guggenheim Fellowship

Kosuke Imai, Professor of Government and Statistics, has been awarded the prestigious Guggenheim Fellowship for research, joining the ranks of more than 19,000 Fellows honored since 1925. The John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, now in its 99th year, has recognized and awarded monetary prizes to the 2024 class of trail-blazing fellows, all of whom were…

Student Class Project Presentation on GIS and Hazard Vulnerability on April 18

Students in GOV 1013: GIS Analysis of Hazard Vulnerability, led by Dr. Connie Chen, will be presenting their final projects in Room S003 at the CGIS South building (1730 Cambridge St., Cambridge) on Thursday, April 18th, from 3 to 5 pm. The presentations will cover topics such as hazards, vulnerability, resilience, and communities. We welcome…

Harvey Mansfield discusses ‘liberal conservatism’ in recent Vik-Bailey Lecture

Conservatism is both opposed to liberalism and part of liberalism – but how? This was the topic Harvey C. Mansfield, ’53, Research Professor of Government considered in his Vik-Bailey lecture on March 21. Harvey, who retired from teaching last year but remains part of the department as a researcher, devoted more than six decades to…

Professor Steve Levitsky Featured on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart

Steve Levitsky, David Rockefeller Professor of Latin American Studies and Professor of Government, was recently on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart to discuss his book, “Tyranny of the Minority,” co-authored with Daniel Ziblatt, Eaton Professor of the Science of Government….

Professor Jeff Frieden Featured on EconoFact Podcast

Jeff Frieden, Stanfield Professor of International Peace, was featured on the EconoFact Podcast on March 17th, titled People, Communities and Economic Changes. You can read more and listen to the podcast here:…

Professor Harvey Mansfield Honored in Boston Globe Article

This past Thursday, Harvey Mansfield, William R. Kenan, Jr. Research Professor of Government, was honored in a special Boston Globe article. The article went over Professor Mansfield’s great achievements during his 61 year tenure as a Harvard professor. You can read more here….