Category: Department News

Dept of Government at Harvard Office

Prof Katrina Forrester recently published In the Shadow of Justice: Postwar Liberalism and the Remaking of Political Philosophy (Princeton University Press, 2019)

Prof Katrina Forrester recently published In the Shadow of Justice: Postwar Liberalism and the Remaking of Political Philosophy (Princeton University Press, 2019). An excerpt appeared in Boston Review…

The Edward M. Chase Prize for the best dissertation on a subject relating to the promotion of world peace is awarded to Dominika Kruszewska for her dissertation, “From the Streets to the Party Lists: Electoral Advantages of Social Movement Activism”

The Edward M. Chase Prize for the best dissertation on a subject relating to the promotion of world peace is awarded to Dominika Kruszewska for her dissertation, “From the Streets to the Party Lists: Electoral Advantages of Social Movement Activism”….

The two Senator Charles Sumner Prizes for the best dissertations go to Tyler Jost and Mayya Komisarchik

The two Senator Charles Sumner Prizes for the best dissertations “from the legal, political, historical, economic, social, or ethnic approach, dealing with any means or measures tending toward the prevention of war and the establishment of universal peace” are awarded to 1. Tyler Jost for his dissertation, “Decision by Design: National Security Institutions and Interstate Crisis” 2. Mayya…

Outcome of Title IX Investigation

Outcome of Title IX Investigation Dear Members of the FAS Community, I am writing to inform you that the Title IX investigation into allegations concerning Jorge Dominguez is now complete. The Office for Dispute Resolution (ODR) conducted a thorough and careful review of all formal allegations made against Dominguez, and concluded that he engaged in unwelcome…