KATRINA FORRESTER, HARVARD UNIVERSITY, RECEIVES 2020 MERLE CURTI INTELLECTUAL HISTORY AWARD FROM THE ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN HISTORIANS BLOOMINGTON, IN—Joanne Meyerowitz, Yale University, OAH President 2019–2020, and George J. Sanchez, University of Southern California, OAH President 2020–2021, announce that Katrina Forrester, Harvard University, receives the OAH’s prestigious 2020Merle Curti Intellectual History Award, which is given annually for the best…
Josh Kertzer was selected by the International Society of Political Psychology as the 2020 winner of the Erik Erikson Early Career Award
Josh Kertzer was selected by the International Society of Political Psychology as the 2020 winner of the Erik Erikson Early Career Award, given to recognize distinguished early career contributions in the field of political psychology….
Remembering the Children of Chernobyl: How HBO’s “Chernobyl” Series Revived the Cuba-Chernobyl Connection Isabelle DeSisto
Remembering the Children of Chernobyl: How HBO’s “Chernobyl” Series Revived the Cuba-Chernobyl Connection Isabelle DeSisto AB/AM candidate in Gov/REECA NYU Jordan Center for the advanced study of Russia This post features a runner-up entry in All the Russias’ inaugural Graduate Student Essay Competition….
Remembering Henry Cobb, Architect of CGIS by Susan J. Pharr
Congratulations to Lowry Pressly for winning a Bowdoin Prize for Graduate Essay in the English Language for his essay entitled “The Right to be Forgotten and the Possibility of Being a Stranger.”
CPD Awards 2019-2020 Doctoral Dissertation Grant recipient Naima Green-Riley
The USC Center on Public Diplomacy is pleased to announce Naima Green-Riley of Harvard University and former U.S. Foreign Service Officer as the recipient of our 2019-2020 CPD Doctoral Dissertation Grant. Before pursuing her Ph.D., Naima was a Pickering Fellow and a Foreign Service Officer at the U.S. Department of State, where she worked in the public diplomacy cone….
Chile’s streets are filled with protests. How did a 4 percent fare hike set off such rage?
An article recently published in the Washington Post’s Monkey Cage on the protests in Chile by Professor Alisha Holland. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/11/01/chiles-streets-are-fire-with-protests-how-did-percent-fare-hike-set-off-such-rage/ Chile’s streets are filled with protests. How did a 4 percent fare hike set off such rage?…
Harvard University Professor Danielle Allen Receives Governor’s Award in the Humanities
Harvard University Professor Danielle Allen Receives Governor’s Award in the Humanities https://www.thecrimson.com/article/2019/10/28/danielle-allen-governors-award-humanities/…
Government Department Job Talks
Job Talk Information https://gov.harvard.edu/government-department-job-talks…
Professor Eric Nelson recently published a new book, The Theology of Liberalism (Harvard University Press).
Professor Eric Nelson recently published a new book, The Theology of Liberalism (Harvard University Press) an article appears in the Harvard Magazine. https://harvardmagazine.com/2019/11/eric-nelson-modern-liberalism…