Category: Department News

Exterior of Cgis Knafel Building

Prof. Katrina Forrester’s book “In the Shadow of Justice: has been awarded the Merle Curti Award for Best Book in Intellectual History by the Organization of American Historians

KATRINA FORRESTER, HARVARD UNIVERSITY, RECEIVES 2020 MERLE CURTI INTELLECTUAL HISTORY AWARD FROM THE ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN HISTORIANS BLOOMINGTON, IN—Joanne Meyerowitz, Yale University, OAH President 2019–2020, and George J. Sanchez, University of Southern California, OAH President 2020–2021, announce that Katrina Forrester, Harvard University, receives the OAH’s prestigious 2020Merle Curti Intellectual History Award, which is given annually for the best…

CPD Awards 2019-2020 Doctoral Dissertation Grant recipient Naima Green-Riley

The USC Center on Public Diplomacy is pleased to announce Naima Green-Riley of Harvard University and former U.S. Foreign Service Officer as the recipient of our 2019-2020 CPD Doctoral Dissertation Grant. Before pursuing her Ph.D., Naima was a Pickering Fellow and a Foreign Service Officer at the U.S. Department of State, where she worked in the public diplomacy cone….