Publications from our community of scholars, researchers, visionaries, leaders, and changemakers.
Matt Blackwell
- Matthew Blackwell and Nicole Pashley, “Noncompliance and instrumental variables for 2K factorial experiments.” Journal of the American Statistical Association, Forthcoming (2022).
- Matthew Blackwell and Michael Olson, “Reducing Model Misspecification and Bias in the Estimation of Interactions.” Political Analysis, Forthcoming (2022).
- Matthew Blackwell and Anton Strezhnev, “Telescope Matching: Reducing Model Dependence in the Estimation of Controlled Direct Effects.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (Series A), Vol. 185, No. 1 (2022): 377–399.
Peter Buisseret
- [2.] Polarization, Valence, and Policy Competition (with Richard Van Weelden) American Economic Review: Insights, 2022
- [3.] Party Nomination Strategies in List PR systems (with Olle Folke, Carlo Prato, and Johanna Rickne) American Journal of Political Science, 2022
- [4.] Competing Principals? Legislative Representation in List PR Electoral Systems (with Carlo Prato) American Journal of Political Science, 2022
Chaudoin, Stephen
- “Survey Design, Order Effects, and Causal Mediation Analysis,” JOP
- “Trade Wars and Election Interference,” Review of International Organizations
- Article accepted in International Organization.
Forrester, Katrina
- APSR article: “Feminist Demands and the Problem of Housework”
Alisha Holland
- Recently published an article in AJPS (“Roadblocks: How Property Rights Undermine Development in Colombia”).
- Article in Washington Post, “Why Colombia can’t build the infrastructure it needs”
- Recently published an article in AJPS (“Roadblocks: How Property Rights Undermine Development in Colombia”)
Mashail Malik
- “Changing Americans’ Attitudes about Immigration: Using Moral Framing to BolsterFactual Arguments” (with Jan G. Voelkel, Chrystal Redekopp, and Robb Willer). The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Forthcoming
Pia Raffler
- “Does Political Oversight of the Bureaucracy Increase Ac- countability? Field Experimental Evidence from an Electoral Autocracy” American Political Science Review APSR
- Closing the Gap: Information and Mass Support in a Dominant Party Regime, with Melina Platas. Journal of Politics, Vol. 83, No. 4, October 2021, pp. 1619–1634.
Stephanie Ternullo
- “Media Distrust and Opinion Formation during the COVID-19 Pandemic,” APSR
- Electoral Effects of Social Policy, on Old-Age Insurance Program, JOP
- Levitsky, Revolution and Dictatorship: The Violent Origins of Durable Authoritarianism (with Lucan Way) (Princeton University Press, 2022)
- Thomas Remington (visiting faculty)—new book, The Returns to Power: A Political Theory of Economic Inequality to be published in the spring by Oxford University Press.
- Rosen, Michael –The Shadow of God (Harvard University Press, 2022).
- Wang, new book, The Rise and Fall of Imperial China (Princeton, 2022)