Government Class of 2023 Prize Winners

Cherry Tree at Harvard

We are delighted to announce the winners of the following prizes awarded to graduating Harvard seniors. Congratulations to all!



This is one of six prizes offered for subjects in various fields of political science. A prize from a fund established by the late James Gordon Bennett is offered for the best essay in English prose on some subject of American governmental, domestic, or foreign policy of contemporaneous interest. 

  • Miroslav Bergam: In the Weeds: Investigating the Impact of 21st Century Marijuana Legislation on Drug Outcomes in America 
  • Kayla Manning: Abortion Policy Spillover: When Policy Consequences Contradict the Intent 
  • Ruhi Nayak: A New Prescription: Factors That Affect the Emergence and Progression of Resident Physician Unionization 
  • Aristotle Vainikos: The Determinants of Success in Multi-Technology Military Projects 


This is one of six prizes offered for subjects in various fields of political science. A prize from a fund established by the late Philo Sherman Bennett of New Haven, Connecticut, is offered for the best essay discussing the principles of free government.

  • Florian Bochert: Happy Here, Troubled There: The Local Roots of Political Disaffection in Germany 
  • David Miller: Partisan Social Identity, Motivated Reasoning, and the Decline of Trust in American Institutions 


By gifts of numerous friends of the late Gerda Richards Crosby (A.M. 1923, Ph.D. 1933), a prize has been established to be awarded annually on the recommendation of the Department of Government to a candidate for the degree of A.B. with honors, for excellence in meeting the requirements for that concentration.

  • Lindsey Greenhill: Speaking Different Languages: A Linguistic Approach to Mass Polarization 


This is one of six prizes offered for subjects in various fields of political science. A prize from the income of the gift of Eric Firth is offered for the best essay on the subject of the ideals of democracy. The essay should give attention to the social and ethical as well as the political values of democracy and to its relationship to the defense of peace and freedom. This prize is open only to Seniors concentrating in Government.  

  • Adrian Hackney (joint Anthropology/Gov): Rhinestones and Resistance: The Politics of Fashion in Ballroom Culture  
  • Alexa Jordan: Shattering the Stained-Glass Ceiling: The Political Ambition of Religious Women in Utah 


Eleanor Fitzgibbons

“Nothing to Fear? Disrobing Veiled Threats to Judicial Independence”

  • James R. and Isabel D. Hammond Prize: The Hammond Prize is awarded for the best Harvard undergraduate senior honors thesis related to Spanish-speaking Latin America. It was established in 1992 by a gift from James R. Hammond ’57.

Sabrina Goldfischer

“The Death of Discourse: Antisemitism at Harvard College

  • Starr Prize in Jewish Studies: for an outstanding senior thesis or Ph.D. dissertation in Jewish and Hebrew studies by a Harvard student.

Bernadette Looney

“The Implications of Government Policies Concerning Race on American K-12 Student Agency”

  • JONATHAN M. LEVIN PRIZE FOR TEACHING AND SOCIAL JUSTICE: this award, established by Martin D. Payson, Quincy Jones, and Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr., honors Jonathan M. Levin, a compassionate and dedicated man committed to teaching as a means of combating the social injustices that exist in American society. The Department awards this prize to the most promising undergraduate student who intends to become a public school teacher.

Ryan Sears (double concentrator in Government and History and Literature)

“A Brief Moment in the Sun: Black Political Struggles in Postbellum Southeastern North Carolina, 1865-66”

  • Kathryn Ann Huggins Prize: this prize was established in 1987 by Kathryn Huggins’s brother, the late Professor Nathan I. Huggins, W. E. B. Du Bois Professor of History and of Afro-American Studies, to remember Kathryn by bringing attention to the values she held most dear: personal commitment and dedication to study, humanism through the study of other peoples and cultures, and respect for the marginalized and dispossessed. A monetary prize is awarded to the senior who has written the most outstanding thesis on a topic relating to African American life, history, or culture.
  • Delancy K. Jay Prize: for the best essay on any subject relating to the history or development of constitutional government and free institutions in the United States or Great Britain or any other part of the English-speaking world at any period of history.
  • Barbara Miller Solomon Prize: awarded by the Committee on Degrees in History and Literature to a member of the senior class at Harvard College for an honors essay that is of high distinction.

Arthur Vieira

“The Political Effects of Income Segregation on Community Organizing: Evidence from Brazilian Cities”

  • Kenneth Maxwell Senior Thesis Prize: The Kenneth Maxwell Thesis Prize in Brazilian Studies was awarded for the first time in the Spring of 2005, and was established to recognize the best Harvard College senior thesis on a subject related to Brazil. This annual prize is funded by a gift to DRCLAS from Professor Kenneth Maxwell.