International Relations

The study of International Relations in the Harvard Department of Government examines the sources of conflict and cooperation in world affairs. Through analysis of foreign policy and public opinion, strategic interaction, international law, and the role of transnational actors, scholars of international relations address a wide array of topics including:

  • War
  • Trade
  • International finance
  • Human rights
  • Climate change 

Scholars in the field draw on a diverse tool kit that includes formal, quantitative and qualitative methods.

Department Faculty

10 results found.

Alastair Iain Johnston

Governor James Albert Noe and Linda Noe Laine Professor of China in World Affairs
Alastair Iain Johnston Headshot

Christina Davis

Edwin O. Reischauer Professor of Japanese Politics
Christina Davis Headshot

Christoph Mikulaschek

Assistant Professor of Government
Christoph Mikulaschek Headshot

Dustin Tingley

Thomas D. Cabot Professor of Public Policy

Joshua D. Kertzer

John Zwaanstra Professor of International Studies and of Government
Joshua D. Kertzer Headshot

Latanya Sweeney

Professor of the Practice of Government and Technology
Latanya Sweeney Headshot

Michael J. Hiscox

Clarence Dillon Professor of International Affairs
Michael J. Hiscox headshot

Stephen Chaudoin

Assistant Professor of Government

Stephen Peter Rosen

Beton Michael Kaneb Professor of National Security and Military Affairs
Stephen Peter Rosen Headshot

Timothy Colton

Morris and Anna Feldberg Professor of Government and Russian Studies
Timothy Colton Headshot