Sabrina Goldfischer ’23 wins Harry and Cecile Starr Prize in Jewish Studies

Cherry Tree at Harvard

Sabrina Goldfischer is one of the winners of the Harry and Cecile Starr Prize in Jewish Studies, which is awarded to an outstanding senior thesis or Ph.D. dissertation in Jewish and Hebrew studies by a Harvard student. Her undergraduate thesis is “The Death of Discourse: Antisemitism at Harvard College.” Congratulations!

Abstract: Antisemitism is on the rise worldwide, and college campuses, in some ways, are a microcosm of this broader trend. In this thesis, I discuss the experience of Jewish students at Harvard, given the presence of antisemitism and anti-Israel activity on campus. Through analyzing these semi-structured interviews of 60 individuals, I describe both the climate of and present the consequences of this dynamic for students, and for the larger academic health of the College.