Soichiro Yamauchi, PhD Candidate is co-winner for Best Poster Award at the joint conference of the 6th Asian Political Methodology Meeting and the second annual meeting of the Japanese Society for Quantitative Political Science

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We are pleased to announce two co-recipients of the Best Poster Award at
the joint conference of the 6th Asian Political Methodology Meeting and the
second annual meeting of the Japanese Society for Quantitative Political
Science, which was held at Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan, on January
5 and 6, 2019. (The award is sponsored by the Japanese Journal of Political
Science and the Society for Political Methodology).

One winner is Soichiro Yamauchi (Harvard University). The title of his
poster is “Bias-Corrected Estimator for Difference-in-Differences Design.”
He proposes a general identification assumption and estimation procedure
for the average treatment on the treated that utilizes multiple
pre-treatment periods. Specifically, he assumes the bias for the
post-treatment period as a function of past biases. By imposing smoothness
on the mean function for potential outcomes, he proposes a feasible
estimator that combines difference-in-means with bias-correction under this
identification assumption. He demonstrates usefulness of the proposed
method by simulations and an application.